Evolving Accessories
.....When starting our brand, Pocket, one of our co-founders found when she was studying abroad that phone accessories took on a different meaning. It was popular in Germany to wear your phone around your body, almost like a cross-body bag. We wanted to see how we could take this trend and acclimate it to American culture.
Mood Board
Early Prototypes
Golden Sample
The final product is a leather bag designed specifically for smart phones of today. The pocket is secure, stylish, minimal, and whimsical.
The Collective-Homegrown Market
The total cost of money spent on materials came to be around $90.00. With 17//18 of the Pockets and 7 extra straps sold this came to an overall profit of $680.00. We were able to keep out costs down due to intensive material research through multiple sources and the UC leather lab. All of our leather is recycled leather from either the UC Leather Lab or Brookes & Hyde’s leather shop.